05/07/2020 – 08:47AM

In a modern dental clinic, we use a multitude of instruments every day that allow us to carry out treatments effectively and quickly. One of the most important pieces of equipment in a dental clinic is the compressor, since it is responsible for many others to work, such as turbines or dental equipment.

However, there is the possibility that you know little about the dental compressor in your clinic, and you have doubts when using, caring for and purchasing a dental compressor. Therefore, we want to give you all the keys to know how to choose the most suitable compressor for your dental clinic.

The dental compressor: How does it work?

The dental compressor has the function of producing compressed air that it stores in a high pressure tank so that it can be used at any time. This air is subsequently brought to the dental equipment through tubes intended for this purpose. Dental compressors consume electrical energy to produce this compressed air, and must have sufficient power to generate compressed air more quickly than we consume in the dental clinic.

  • Compressors are used in many fields (industry, automotive, etc.), but dental clinic compressors have unique hygiene and air quality specifications, so only dental compressors should be used in the clinic.
  • The dental compressor is “the lung”, and one of the main tools of the clinic, since with it we carry out most of the treatments. In addition, it is one of the elements that can give us the most problems if we do not choose the right model and do the maintenance it needs.
  • In the market we have many types of dental compressors, of different sizes, prices and origins. It is good to know them to be able to choose the most suitable one.

Types of dental compressors:

Dry compressors (without oil)

To carry out dental treatments, clean and contamination-free air is required. For this reason, modern dental clinic compressors are always oil-free or dry compressors.

  • Dry compressors must have high manufacturing precision. This, together with the fact that they have their cylinders and pistons covered with a self-lubricating material, means that there is practically no wear and that no waste is generated that ends up in the compressed air.
  • The durability of dry compressors has traditionally been less than that of oil-lubricated compressors, since oil is a great lubricant and reduces temperature and surface wear. However, the precision with which modern dental compressors are manufactured and the quality of current materials mean that they already have a durability similar to those lubricated with oil.

Compressors with air dryer

  • Dental compressors take air from the environment to later compress it and store it in a tank. This air always has a humidity percentage, which depending on the place is usually more or less high.
  • By compressing the air, it decreases its ability to carry moisture, and if it was high, it can condense on the walls of the tank of the compressor. If this is the case, we will have to empty the compressor tank of water regularly.
  • To avoid this, there are compressors that incorporate an air dryer, and remove most of the moisture from the air before compressing it. This means that compressing the air does not condense moisture inside the compressor boiler and we do not have to empty it as often.

How to choose the best dental compressor for our clinic?

There are several questions that we must ask ourselves before buying a dental compressor, to choose the most suitable one.

Dry or oil lubricated compressor?

To install it in a dental clinic, you should definitely choose a dry compressor, since the quality of the air produced will be much higher.

¿Compressor with air dryer or without air dryer?

  • If the relative humidity of the air is high, for example, in coastal places, we should choose a compressor with an air dryer, since if we do not have it, the compressor will give us many problems of condensation of water inside.
  • If we are in a place with a very low relative humidity, we can do without the air dryer and save some money on the purchase of the compressor. However, the dryer is always something that benefits the compressor, and it will make the maintenance less necessary.

¿What size of compressor should I choose?

The maximum pressure supplied by dental clinic compressors will always be similar regardless of the size of the compressor we choose, since the equipment always works at similar pressures. Instead, the air flow produced by the compressor will vary.

We must choose a compressor that has the capacity to produce, at least, the same air flow as the dental equipment that will operate simultaneously. And you? What do you think about choosing the right compressor? Do not hesitate to share your experience with us!

At Air-Clean we have compressors for dental professionals like you, who love to be updated as much as we are in terms of technology.

Contact us! We will wait for you.

Tips for choosing the compressor for your dental clinic!

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